An Affordable Mortgage Document Review & Report showing inflated closing costs, refinance costs and other refinancing fees. Our Service is designed to help prevent overcharging on interest rates or mortgage fees.
Report turn around time 48 hours or less!
Our mortgage inspection service is designed to assist individual homeowners get the best possible interest rate and avoid junk mortgage fees and closing costs if they are about to close on a refinance of their current home mortgage or close on a home purchase. Our service includes a mortgage document examination, a report that details excessive interest rates, excessive mortgage fees, mortgage product information & what the realistic mortgage costs should be.
If you have already financed or refinanced your home, we will do a thorough examination of your documents, looking for possible closing costs over charges and or other issues.
Who should use the Mortgage Inspection Service?
Any borrower with excellent credit* who is about to close on the refinance of their existing home mortgage.
Any home buyer with excellent credit who is on the verge of closing on a home purchase mortgage..
A person with excellent credit who is on the verge of closing on a new home loan with a mortgage product provided by a home builder
There is no such thing a no-cost mortgage. Before you close on a home loan involving a “no cost” home loan/mortgage please use our inspection service to find out exactly what the true closing costs are. You might be shocked.
Mortgage Document Inspection Report
The Mortgage Inspection Service is the premier mortgage document inspection service in the United States. Our goal is to protect consumers from being cheated or over charged when they finance or refinance a home.
If you are a home buyer, if you are about to refinance your home, if you are using an internet lending firm, or if you are about to use a home builders finance product and you are concerned about being overcharged, please use our service.
Typically, we will try to help save a borrower homeowner hundreds or thousands of dollars in fee reductions, closing costs and or interest rates that are higher than what the borrower deserved.
The Mortgage Inspection Service is only available to home buyers or homeowners with excellent credit* who are about to close on a mortgage or refinance. The reason we stress excellent credit is this allows us to pinpoint what interest rate the borrower should be receiving versus what they have been offered.
If you are about to finance, or refinance your home
you should use the Mortgage Inspection Service.
Testimonials Everyone about to finance a home should use this service.
*FICO scores above 700