Mortgage Inspection Service Warns Homeowners About to Refinance About Lenders Claiming ‘No Hidden Fees’ Because Typically the Biggest Mortgage Fees Are Hidden
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — The Mortgage Inspection Service is warning a person about to refinance their home, or about to obtain a new home loan to be cautious about mortgage lenders claiming no hidden fees. The costs they are frequently referring to is a kickback called a ‘yield spread premium’ for inflating the borrowers interest rate above the best available interest rate. Banks and or mortgage bankers are not required to disclose yield spread premium kickback/rebate fees to consumers on the Good Faith Estimate or the HUD 1 Settlement statement.
The Mortgage Inspection Service offers an affordable inspection report focused on a home buyer’s or homeowner’s mortgage Good Faith Estimate to ensure they are not getting overcharged on their interest rate or gouged with junk mortgage fees. For more information, a homeowner on the verge closing on a home loan or a mortgage refinance is urged to call 866-213-0007. http://
The Mortgage Inspection Service says, “There are hidden bank fees on most residential home loans or refinances. For a bank or mortgage banker to insinuate there are ‘no hidden fees’ is an insult. While mortgage brokers are legally obligated to disclose the yield spread premium-kickback for inflating a homeowner’s interest rate on a home loan or refinance mortgage bankers or banks have no such obligation.
“So how does a ‘yield spread premium’ work on a home loan? The easiest way to explain it to a consumer is if say as an example the best 30-year fixed interest rate they qualify for is 4%, and their loan amount is $200,000. If the mortgage banker or bank can get the homeowner to accept a 4.25% 30-year fixed interest rate they will typically make a 100 basis points on the quarter percent interest rate increase. This quarter percent interest rate increase should net the mortgage banker or bank about $2000.
“Again, a bank or mortgage banker has no legal obligation to disclose these fees to a homeowner/consumer. If you live in Southern California and the home loan/refinance amount is $1 million dollars-the bank/mortgage banker could make $10,000 for increasing your home loan interest rate by a quarter point-again with no disclosure. If a bank or mortgage bank says your home loan/refinance has no hidden fees we are pretty certain our affordable mortgage inspection report will prove the opposite as we would like to explain anytime at 866-213-0007.”http://
The Mortgage Inspection Service’s no cost mortgage or ‘no hidden fee’ home loan refinance report/analysis includes a brief conversation with the homeowner about their credit, specifics about their home equity, a thorough examination of the borrower’s Good Faith Estimate, and a written report detailing specific junk mortgage fees, an inflated interest rate – or both.
The typical turnaround time for the mortgage inspection report is 48 hours or less, and this service is available for consumers in all states including New York, California, Florida,
For additional information, homeowners about to finance their home with a ‘no cost refinance’ or a ‘no hidden fee mortgage’ are urged to contact the Mortgage Inspection Service at 866-213-0007 for their unsurpassed services. Their bottom line is, “Please don’t allow yourself to get overcharged a home loan or refinance with junk mortgage fees and/or an inflated interest rate from a bank or mortgage banker, and not know it before you sign at closing.” http://

Mortgage Inspection Service Now Urges a Homeowner About to Close on a No Cost Refinance to Get an Affordable Mortgage Document Review/Report to See What Their Loan Costs Really Are
The Mortgage Inspection Service is the only group in the nation offering a very affordable mortgage document review and written report designed to ensure a homeowner does not get overcharged or cheated on a mortgage refinance. The group’s mortgage document inspection report includes an assessment of the interest rate the consumer is being offered along with junk mortgage fees that are included with the loan.http://
The Service says, “We know radio or Internet ads about ‘no cost’ home loan refinances sound too good to be true, and more often than not they are too good to be true. As an example, most of these ‘no cost home loans’ involve stripping the existing equity out of your home to pay for the costs of the mortgage.
“Most these ‘no cost home mortgage refinances’ also include costs that could be greatly inflated over what a traditional home refinance would include. The traditional home refinance is paid for by the homeowner directly at closing. Aside from pointing out what the best interest rates could be, our mortgage document review report details every junk mortgage to a homeowner before they close on their home loan.
“Before a homeowner refinances their home, or gets led down the path with a ‘no cost home loan’ sales pitch, we are urging them to take advantage of our affordable mortgage document report. In most instances our mortgage document report will save a homeowner hundreds of dollars or more by identifying all junk mortgage fees as well as how much the lender is actually making.”
For more information, a homeowner about to refinance is urged to call the Mortgage Document Inspection Service at 866-714-6466. http://
The Mortgage Inspection Service’s no cost mortgage or home loan refinance report/analysis includes a brief conversation with the homeowner about their credit, specifics about their home equity, a thorough examination of the borrower’s Good Faith Estimate, and a written report detailing specific junk mortgage fees, an inflated interest rate – or both. The typical turnaround time for the mortgage inspection report is 48 hours or less, and this service is available for consumers in all states including New York, California, Florida,
For additional information, a homeowner about to finance their home with a ‘no cost refinance’ is urged to contact the Mortgage Inspection Service at 866-714-6466 for their unsurpassed services. The bottom line is, “Please don’t allow yourself to get overcharged a home loan refinance with junk mortgage fees and/or an inflated interest rate from a bank or mortgage lender, and not know it.” http://
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Mortgage Inspection Service now Urges Real Estate Agents to Tell Their Clients to get Their Home Loan-Refinance Inspected Before Closing so They do not get Overcharged by a Bank
“If one of your clients has just received a Good Faith Estimate from a bank or a mortgage lender or your client is on the verge of refinancing their home and you want them to have peace of mind in knowing they are not being gouged with junk mortgage fees or an excessive interest rate please have your client call us anytime at 866-714-6466 about taking advantage of our affordable mortgage inspection report.” http://
The Mortgage Inspection Service mortgage fee/interest rate report details the following information based on the borrower’s Good Faith Estimate from the bank or mortgage lender:
- Is the borrower being offered the best possible interest rate based on their credit worthiness, home equity, and or down payment? If not-what should their home loan interest rate be? The Mortgage Inspection report will address this with special attention given to-what is the best possible mortgage interest rate for the borrower.
- Are there junk mortgage fees associated with this proposed home loan or refinance? If so, what are these junk mortgage fees? The Mortgage Inspection Report will detail all junk mortgage fees associated with the proposed mortgage as part of their written report in the hopes the borrower can get these removed by the bank-mortgage lender.
- Is the loan type-30 year fixed-15 year fixed or adjustable rate mortgage the most suitable mortgage product for the borrower? The Mortgage Inspection Report will address this. The caveat is the borrower must have very good-excellent credit-because these types of borrowers do deserve the best possible home loan interest rates.
- Is the mortgage product being offered by a homebuilder? “Homebuilder mortgages are frequently loaded with junk mortgage fees, and or inflated interest rates.
- The Mortgage Inspection Service warns there is no such thing as a ‘no cost mortgage’ and borrowers on the verge of accepting this type of home mortgage/refinance should use their service for clarity about the exact costs associated with a “no cost mortgage.” http://
The Mortgage Inspection Service’s report/analysis includes a brief conversation with the homeowner or home buyer about their credit, specifics about their home purchase or equity if a refinance is involved, a thorough examination of the borrower’s Good Faith Estimate, and a written report detailing specific junk mortgage fees, an inflated interest rate-or both. The typical turnaround time for the mortgage inspection report is 48 hours or less, and this service is available for consumers in all states including New York, California, Florida, Tex
For more information, a real estate agent, a financial planner, a home buyer or homeowner about to finance or refinance their home are urged to contact the Mortgage Inspection Service at 866-714-6466 for their unsurpassed services. The bottom line is, “Please don’t allow your client or yourself to get overcharged a home loan or refinance with junk mortgage fees and or an inflated interest rate from a bank or mortgage lender.”http://
Mortgage Inspection Service Now Offers An Upgraded Home Loan Inspection Focused On The Best Interest Rate And Mortgage Fees–Designed To Save The Borrower MoneyThe Mortgage Inspection Service believes the average home buyer, or homeowner involved in a refinance get hit with hundreds of dollars in junk mortgage fees, and potentially tens of thousands of dollars in mortgage overpayments because the borrower did not get the best possible available interest rate. The Mortgage Inspection Service is urging homeowners about to refinance, or homeowners on the verge of closing on a residential home loan to call them at 866-714-6466, and take advantage of their very affordable upgraded mortgage inspection service. http://MortgageInspectionService.Com December 15, 2014 The Mortgage Inspection Service is now offering a upgraded mortgage inspection for individuals about to close on a home loan, or for a homeowner about to refinance their mortgage with the goal being they do not get stuck with junk mortgage fees, that could be hundreds, or over a thousand dollars. The Service’s mortgage inspection focuses in on making certain the consumer really is getting the best possible mortgage interest rate, and the best mortgage product. The Mortgage Inspection Service is urging home buyers, or homeowners in the process of refinancing a home loan who want to make certain they really are getting the best possible interest rates, and fees to use their inspection service. For more information a home buyer, or homeowner can call the Mortgage Inspection Service anytime at 866-714-6466. http://MortgageInspectionService.Com The Mortgage Inspection Service says, “Our mortgage inspection report closely examines the fees being charged to the consumer, and we pay particular attention to the interest rate being charged. Why is the interest rate being charged such a big deal? “Lets take the example of a $200,000 30 year fixed rate mortgage with a interest rate of 4.25%. The monthly mortgage payment for principal, and interest would be $938.88. If we increase the interest rate to 4.5% the monthly mortgage payment would be $1013.37. The difference in the monthly mortgage payment would be $74.49, or $893.88 per year. If you run this $893.88 over the life of the thirty year loan it’s $26,816.40. This is why we pay such close attention to the proposed interest rate being charged on a mortgage.” The Mortgage Inspection Service is designed for home buyers, or homeowners nationwide with good to great credit. The Service’s inspection is for conventional mortgages only. They do not do FHA, or VA mortgages. If a individual wants peace of mind that they are not being overcharged on a home loan, or refinance they should take advantage of the Mortgage Inspection Service’s inspection. The typical turnaround time for the inspection report is 48 hours or less, and this service is available for consumers in all states including New York, California, Florida, Texas, Illinois, Washington, Massachusetts, Arizona, Ohio, Georgia, New Mexico, Maryland, etc. For more information home buyers or homeowners about to refinance are urged to contact the Mortgage Inspection Service at866-714-6466 for their unsurpassed service. http://MortgageInspectionService.Com Mortgage Inspection Service Urges Homeowners About to Refinance Their Loan to Avoid Being Overcharged or Getting Stuck with Inflated Interest Rates by Using Their ServiceWednesday, September 21, 2011 With mortgage interest rates at near historic lows, the Mortgage Inspection Service is urging all U.S. homeowners on the verge of refinancing their home, to not get duped by junk mortgage fees, and or inflated interest rates, that could needlessly cost them thousands of dollars up front, or down the road. The Mortgage Inspection service says, “We have the best interest rate environment in decades, for financing, or refinancing a home, but we also have lenders resorting to junk mortgage fees, or slightly inflated interest rates, in order to make as much money as possible on each mortgage transaction they do. If you are about to refinance your home, our unique mortgage inspection service, is designed to expose all potential junk mortgage fees, or slightly inflated interest rates, and or give a homeowner peace of mind about their proposed mortgage transaction, all in a written report. Ours is the only service of its type in the nation, and our service has been featured in Money Magazine, Good Housekeeping Magazine, and Newsweek Magazine.” Homeowners, or consumers wishing more information can contact the Mortgage Inspection Service anytime at 866-714-6466, or they can contact the group via its web site at http://MortgageInspectionService.Com (PRWEB) September 21, 2011 The Mortgage Inspection Service is the premier mortgage inspection service for homeowners about to refinance their mortgage in the United States. The group is urging homeowners on the verge of refinancing, or financing a home to allow them to do a full mortgage document review, and report on their home refinance, or home loan in the hopes they can save the borrower hundreds, to thousands of dollars, up front, or over the life of the mortgage. The Mortgage Inspection Service says, “If a homeowner really wants peace of mind on their mortgage transaction, or their home loan refinance, no one goes after junk mortgage fees more than we do, and we put it in writing. We are also obsessed with making certain the homeowner gets the lowest possible interest rate on the new mortgage. Most of the time our mortgage document review, and inspection pays for itself many times over. If a homeowner really wants to make certain they are getting the best possible pricing, or fees, on their mortgage, we are urging them to use our mortgage document inspection, and report.” For more information homeowners can call Americas Watchdog’s Mortgage Inspection Service anytime at 866-714-6466, or they can contact the group via their web site at http://MortgageInspectionService.Com
Mortgage Inspection Service Urges All US homeowners About to Refinance to Use Their Mortgage Inspection Review to Avoid Junk Mortgage Fees or Inflated Interest RatesMonday, September 12, 2011 The Mortgage Inspection Service is urging any homeowner on the verge of refinancing, or any individual about to finance a home purchase to use their Mortgage Document Inspection Service, before they close on any type of refinance, or home mortgage loan. The group says, “We typically save people hundreds, to thousands of dollars, by alerting them to junk mortgage fees, we are hawks on making certain the homeowner gets the lowest possible interest rate, and we do everything possible to make sure the homeowner is getting the best possible mortgage product for themselves. There is no other service like ours in the United States.” To learn more about this unique, invaluable and very credible mortgage document inspection service, please feel free to call the Mortgage Inspection Service anytime at 866-714-6466, or visit their web site at http://MortgageInspectionService.Com (PRWEB) September 12, 2011 The Mortgage Inspection Service’s Mortgage Document Inspection Service is actually a comprehensive written review of a proposed refinance, or mortgage, that offers an analysis of the suitability of the type of mortgage product being suggested, the interest rate being offered, and the fees being charged by the lender, or bank. There is no other comparable report being offered in the United States for homeowners wishing to make certain they are not being gouged, or overcharged on a refinance, or home purchase mortgage, by a bank, or mortgage lender. The cost for the proposed refinance, or mortgage review, and report is $95, and the mortgage document audit typically saves the average US consumer about to finance or refinance a home hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. The Mortgage Inspection Service provides a homeowner about to finance or refinance a home with a narrative written report detailing what mortgage fees are legitimate, and or what mortgage fees are junk or unwarranted charges. For more information about the Mortgage Inspection Service please call 866-714-6466, or visit the group’s web site at http://MortgageInspectionService.Com The Mortgage Inspection Service says, “Over the years we have saved thousands of consumers hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on the vast majority of mortgage document inspections, and review reports we have done.” The group says, “The only reason we do a consumer mortgage document inspection, and review before a refinance, or home loan finance, is to save consumers money, prevent them from being cheated, or if its a fairly priced mortgage give them peace of mind about what they are getting. There is no comparable mortgage document inspection service available in the United States, and we think anyone about to finance, or refinance should use our service.”http://MortgageInspectionService.Com What does the Mortgage Inspection Service mortgage document inspection & review report include?
Credibility Matters: Americas Watchdog & or its Mortgage Inspection Service have been featured on CNN, CBS, NPR, and in Newsweek Magazine, Money Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Good Housekeeping Magazine, CBS Market Watch, The Daily Telegraph of London, and numerous other national or international publications. For more information about the Mortgage Inspection Service anyone can call the group at 866-714-6466 or visit their web site at http://MortgageInspectionService.Com Note from The Mortgage Inspection Service: Realtors, real estate agents, financial planners, tax professionals, HR Managers, and or corporate relocation firms are encouraged to provide a link to the Mortgage Inspection Service on their web sites. http://MortgageInspectionService.Com
Mortgage Inspection Service Offers A Vital Mortgage Document Review So That Individuals About To Refinance Or Finance Do Not Get Overcharged The Mortgage Inspection Service is urging any US homeowner on the verge of refinancing, or any individual about to finance a home purchase to use their Mortgage Document Inspection Service, before they close on the mortgage loan. The group says, “We are one of the most quoted sources in the United States on predatory mortgage lending, and mortgage fee abuse, and if you are about to finance, or refinance your home, you really should use our Mortgage Document Inspection Service. Our vital service is not just about peace of mind for a consumer, more often than not we save the average consumer hundreds of dollars, or more.” To learn more about this unique and invaluable mortgage document inspection service, feel free to call the Mortgage Inspection Service anytime at 866-714-6466, or visit their web site at http://MortgageInspectionService.Com (PRWEB) August 01, 2011 The Mortgage Inspection Service is a vital mortgage document review and inspection service, designed for any homeowner about to refinance, or any individual about to purchase a home. The group’s Mortgage Document Inspection Service is actually a comprehensive written review of a proposed mortgage that offers a written analysis of the suitability of the type of mortgage product being offered, the interest rate being offered, and the fees being charged by the lender, or bank. The cost for the proposed refinance, or mortgage review, and report is $95, and the mortgage document audit typically saves the average US consumer about to finance or refinance a home hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. The Mortgage Inspection Service provides a homeowner about to finance or refinance a home with a narrative report detailing what mortgage fees are legitimate, and or what mortgage fees are junk or unwarranted charges. Homeowners about to refinance, individuals about to buy a home, or family or friends are encouraged to share this press release with their loved ones. For more information about the Mortgage Inspection Service please call 866-714-6466, or visit their web site athttp://MortgageInspectionService.Com The Mortgage Inspection Service says, “Over the years we have saved thousands of consumers hundreds,if not thousands of dollars on each report we have done. There is no service even close to the Mortgage Inspection Service in the US.” The group says, “The only reason we do a consumer mortgage document inspection and review before a refinance or home loan finance, is to save consumers money and or to prevent them from being cheated.” What does the Mortgage Inspection Service mortgage document inspection & review report include?
Credibility Matters: Americas Watchdog & or its Mortgage Inspection Service have been featured on CNN, CBS, NPR, and in Newsweek Magazine, Money Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Good Housekeeping Magazine, CBS Market Watch, The Daily Telegraph of London, and numerous other national or international publications. For more information about the Mortgage Inspection Service anyone can call the group at 866-714-6466 or visit their web site at http://MortgageInspectionService.Com |